Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, who will be seen next in Bachchan Paandey opposite Kriti Sanon and Arshad Warsi, recently shared that he does not have a formula for success. The Welcome actor explained how well his films do is largely a matter of good luck and the amount of hard work put into bringing it to the screen.
After being asked whether he has a particular recipe that he follows to ensure a film does well, Akshay shared with Indian Express, “I can act like this big intellectual and tell you that this is how a certain film works, and that this is a hit formula, but no, there isn’t any.” He added further, “Everything’s got to do with luck, and I’ve been very lucky. Some films work, some work really well, some don’t work at all, I am the one who has given 16 flops in one go, nobody asked me what my formula was to fail. So, basically there is no formula to success, it all depends on good luck and hard work.”
Encouraging struggling artists to continue working on projects, Akshay elaborated, “In some people’s lives, the nights last longer, but that doesn’t stop the sun from rising the next day. It is the same thing with work and success. Of course there are trends, there are times that films with social messages work, sometimes masala films work, but other than that, there is nothing much to analyse.” Explaining how he doesn’t “intellectualise” too much when picking films, Akshay added, “I don’t apply too much emotion and thought behind signing films."